Thursday, March 5, 2009


I love Spring time. Driving home to Grass Valley I was amazed by God's creation. On the back roads with all the orchards...WOW it is SO beautiful. I find myself wishing I had a camera to take pictures. I find myself taking out my cell phone so I can take pictures while driving...I know not the safest thing to do, but I can't resist. It got me thinking...if God took so much time in creating the trees, the wildflowers, the grass, then he must take so much more time and pleasure in the way he created me. Although I don't understand or believe in his pleasure for me....I do know it exists. One day I will feel that and I will sing in it. I will dance in it, laugh in it, live in it, and fully be alive in it.
Healing as it were, is much more difficult than I ever thought it could be. Part of me wishes I lived in the Utopian society were no one was ever hurt, everyone received bit of the love they needed, everyone was accepted for who they were, and so forth. As it were, we don't live in utopia and we all have issues. I think the issues make us wise and allow us to help others. So even though it bites..I think I will take the issues.
Spring is a time of news life, new beginnings, freshness. Heres to new life and new beginnings.

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