Saturday, April 25, 2009

Sat morning

So my mom and I talked this morning. See I turned 25 three days ago and am now going off my parents insurance because of it. The rub is that I am to heavy for any insurance company to take me. I am to overweight. My mom told me that she and dad are at there wits end and that I have to do something. She says she doesn't think I can do it by myself, I have to go somewhere or something like that.
I occured to me that they are never going to get this. They are never going to understand what their words do to me. Unless I loose my weight my relationship with my parents is going to continue to suck. Why does my relationship with them have to be contingent on me weight? So I asked God to change my heart. The least I can do is love my parents, I don't agree with their methods, but I do love them. There my parents!! But another thought occured to me...what if there right? That is probably my worst fear...them being right.

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